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The Place

On a hilltop in the Chianti region of Arezzo, at an altitude of about 500 meters, amidst the gray-green of the olive trees, the green of the vineyards and the dazzling shades of the landscape from the Arno Valley to the Crete Senesi, is the Fattoria of San Pancrazio.  The dense red-gold sunset penetrates through the hills to the rooms of the Fattoria.


The hilly and wooded nature of these areas has ensured over time that the rural landscape characteristic of the Apennine slopes has been preserved. Due to its elevated position compared to the surrounding valleys, the hamlet is often crossed by winds. Near the village of San Pancrazio there are other towns that belong to the municipality of Bucine. Some of the most important art cities of the region are within easy reach: San Pancrazio is 30 km from Arezzo, 70 km from Florence, 40 km from Siena and 80 km from Perugia.

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