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Il Roseto della Musica

The San Pancrazio Rose Garden is the adjacent garden where the villagers planted roses: one for each victim of the massacre.

Since July 2015, in collaboration with the Municipality of Bucine (AR), it has become the Rose Garden of Music, an International Festival with masterclasses and concerts, with internationally renowned teachers from institutions of higher education such as E.S.M.U.C. of Barcelona (Spain), the Académie de Musique "Ranieri III" of the Principality of Monaco, U. N.A. - Universidad de las Artes de la Republica Argentina, Conservatorio Statale di Musica "B. Maderna" in Cesena (Italy), Conservatory of Gant (Belgium), Conservatory of Tilburg (Netherlands), Maimonides State Academy, Moscow (RU), hosted together with students from all over Europe, South America and Russia. The festival offers a series of concerts throughout the Ambra Valley.

Artistic practice is developed in a space where the sense of time does not need linear continuity: in art, past and future converge at a single point, the present. In this spirit, bringing a group of young people each year to do art work in a place like San Pancrazio is a way of keeping the past in the present and the present in the future; a way of sustaining living memory, irrigating the roots of the Rose Garden with the energy of love that emanates from young people through the expression of art.


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